It´s10pm and trembling i didn´t hear anymore The such moans, unresigned, I go myself to the issue of my room i didn´t imagine that would be so serious She was all hurted herself and that individual beat her like a blow sack, I learned about love were distressing me An agony wasted me away and i was in sleeplessness all those scenes repeated themselves so slowly, And i wasn´t that beautiful boy yet Neither to my mother nor anybody i knew the violence thoroughly, i also was beaten and humiliated so, There are no pretty words of consolation Because my own wounds i heal them myself Everything happended in my house and my best memories It was when my father taught me how to give the first steps to drive a bike With suffering, aches and my memories seem to torment me however, I´m not a coward, I just wanted to breath better and try to understand that stars from the sky.