Out on the range one night we saw a strange sight coming right out the sky
It was a mosnter herd of the unheard of
Livestock of the cosmos
A multifarious multitude of intergalactic cattle
Well, 'round here we don't take kindly to no otherwordly
And a cowboy's gotta do what a cowboy's gotta do
I took my rifle from the saddle, my lassoo too

Let's round us up some supper boy
Ride 'em fast! Ride 'em hard!
(Chasin the Devil's herd)
Move along, move along, move along lil' doggies!
(Drivin' the monsters from the Earth)
Yippi ki ay, Yippi ki oh
Keep that cattle movin'
Got it rollin' to the killin'
Gonna rope up the unwillin'

Saw a rocketship wagon 
Drivin' hideous horses
Had the whole team in its tractor beam
They gave an awful, eerie scream that chilled my blood
And spooked my steed but I shook it off and took aim at the cockpit
Well, the boys were firin' too 
And we all knew we hit our target 
As we watched the spaceship goin' down in flames
Then our eyes bugged in surprise 
As the skies turned into chaos
The herd was loose.

Steady boys, there's gonna be noise!
Ride 'em fast! Ride 'em hard!
(Chasin the Devil's herd)
Move along, move along, move along lil' doggies!
(Drivin' the monsters from the Earth)
Yippi ki ay, Yippi ki oh
Keep that cattle movin'
Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Rawhide!
We'll kill 'em when we catch 'em on earthside

I'm back on the range 
To keep the strange from further invasion
Protecting my family and my property

I'm back in the saddle again
Where you don't know who's your friend
And queer-horned cattle feed
On the lonely, bluish weed

Sometimes at night 
I hear the mournful crying 
Of bestial extra-terrestrials

Whoa hoss. Easy fella!