Here's to life in the dark Because I'm in the dark again Fated from the start To fall short in the loving game No surprises then We saw it coming But it doesn't seem fare I thought I'd hit the ground running Coz when jealousy's on your back Who doesn't feel hard done by When your pasting up the cracks Crack a smile and your living a lie In 2 years what's the fuss try 10 then come back to me 4's at least the most before you can see what love can be Try telling that to a teen 3 months and you think your in love Replaying the places we've been I'd say 1 week is quite enough Coz when jealousy's on your back Who doesn't feel hard done by When your pasting up the cracks Crack a smile and your living a lie (Guitar Solo 27 Seconds) Many's been the blood of your battle That you can't deny Bombs and shells are scattered In love they do not lie But the fallout takes its place Both on the field and on me In your shelter trying to race At least hit the lights so you can see Coz when jealousy's on your back Who doesn't feel hard done by When your staring at the black Crack a smile and your living a lie