A single red rose and a table for two A nice chardonnay and an ocean view Ships comin in stars comin' out We sat and we talked 'til the place closed down Then we took a long walk down on the beach Her in that white dress in her bare feet We stopped and we watched the lighthouse light I pulled her close and i held on tight And i said To myself It doesn't get better than this No it doesn't get better than this And it did It did Oh it did Fast forward to that next spring We were lookin for a preacher pickin out rings Family comin in and friends comin out To that little white church on the outskirts of town Me and that tux fightin butterflies Tears of joy in my mama's eyes Her daddy walkin her down that aisle I lifted that veil and i saw that smile And i said To her It doesn't get better than this No it doesn't get better than this And it did It did Oh it did Just when i start thinkin it's as good as it can get This crazy life does somethin Just to let me know I haven't seen anything yet Nine months later nearly to the day There we were flyin down the interstate Car weavin in and car weavin out Through traffic runnin every red light in town Delivery room and the doctor comes in I'm right beside her she's squeezin my hand One more push and a baby cries A sweet little angel with her mama's eyes And i said To my girls It doesn't get better than this No it doesn't get better than this And it did It did Oh it did Yes it did A single red rose and a table for two A nice chardonnay and an ocean view