
Vomito Negro


Vomito Negro
What is this green slime that I'm licking? The taste is so foul, yet exotic. I think it must be bat shit, because it makes me feel so erotic. What is this terrible headache I am suffering? I have taken all kinds of drugs but the pain won't stop. I believe... I believe... I must be turning into a morbid. It makes me throw up violently. Incredible amount of blood. Black blood. Black vomit. What is this disease that's eating me alive? Turning me into a somekind of walking corpse. I am changing into a passive aggressive. And I feel an urge to kill 90% of mankind. It seems to have mysterious attraction to my eyes and testicles. My eyes, they've turned red and threathening. My testicles, they're swollen and partly rotten. I even have blood dripping from my nipples. I must be infected with Ebola Zaire.