Abandon hope All (ye) who enter me Let the part Of this noble body will be A lid of your sudden sarcophagi He would applaud If he had the hands And he would waltz If he had the limbs But he only grins You are as unwholesome as me Thus the mactation Convoked them - Doughy, bleating, dying Another light Anon shall rise For uninhumed vain And malign eyes Those who run to the dawn Will fall into the night's embrace No one will leave this putrid pageant (to a) lupanar fane Profound is over and under me It does go on hopelessly forever Do not plunge me back into wan nothingness! Do not plunge me back into Ripped down is the Chthonian sky With the cold blade of a Ritual knife Ghost parade's bringing me Through the onyx arcades To the jaw of hell There is no place On earth for you too And no grave that Will comfort you For you've met the one who Did fill your heart With stygian ardour Voco te o magna mater Ne me mori facias Dressed in piceous You'll return To the orb where you must burn