(More and more get me to the last floor Fuck the whole fucking world... Double dose don;t you dare God's debt? On the edge of revenge pledge your allegiance angels are playing darts on Jesus heart Ain't shortcut damned smart?) Cththonic Hypnotic Can't stop to fix her eyes Offering my soul for ties Stoned, Serpents defying So stupefying. Ecstatic Orgasmic When just a breath is like an ocean And a whisper could even threat planet's motion heart's noise even aggressive So shut down... keep it stupefying! (To be or not to be, maybe, believe it or leave the rope eavesdrop to hopes, if so, get me some dope and...) Hybrid, God's breed, infected, by SataN's seed Purity was unbearable, this virus makes it stable Hell greed, poison need, defeated, useless to heed Just load to be able... to fall in this bottomless spiral May the pit, be bottomless... full of Darkness... and the fall endless... Nevertheless, the more never, the less we serve... God To the Void, life we confess Toxic Anesthetic Can't avoid to slide into her void On a mirror some alkaloid Whatever, I mean who cares this is stupefying Catatonic How ironic Murdered in her sleep, betrayed by mirror So kind to care her magic turning life to mineral Life to mineral Hybrid, God's breed, infected, by SataN's seed Purity was unbearable, this virus makes it stable Hell greed, poison need, defeated, useless to heed Just load to be able... to fall in this bottomless spiral Basilisk Stoner magic Can't move the slightest muscle Without an apocalyptic struggle She has Valium style, Xanax tide ...stupefying... Lethargic Apathetic A shadow of the sun Cursed paradox of beauty and disgust As death, she is so, so stupefying (Swallowed by Saturn's Hexagon All stars are gone Alone With the Gorgon Medusa) Cthonic Hypnotic Can't stop to fix her eyes Offering my soul for ties Stoned, Serpents defying So stupefying. Catatonic How ironic! Murdered in her sleep, betrayed by mirrors Usually so kind to care her magic. turning life to mineral... ...Life to mineral