Earth is descending into the last eve Night approaches as the Sun fades away Winds cry mournfully in the Forests of North The blind eye of Full Moon Rise upon the Storms The sky turns black on the East And on the West it becomes bloodred This time thou can see the Riders of the Wind Once I was one of them but now I am dead Ages ago I also rode on the Wind Upon the deadly Blackfog On the Storming Clouds I beheld the mortals hided in their homes I laughed and they was thinking it was Thunder I raised the Sword to the gleam of the risen Moon And touched with my Spear The Corpse of Fading Sun My eyes shined coldly, The mortals were thinking those were Stars Now only my memories are left Inside the Stone Coffin Once I was the being Mortals call "God" Now I am a victim in Hell of my Memories I lie entombed under obsidian lid The mile-height mountain is my Tombstone But yet I hear the Evening Call Of those who bring the Night Coffin holds me Mountain covers me My torture is Endless I scream from my Abyss And the world shall die When I'll break my chains…