An infinitely dense colourless mass That have not been described The fetid belch of the creator That began to exist by itself The thing That no one can submit It destroys without any questions The godless one Who turns inside out the thoughts of the creator It inspires fear and disgust even into the dead Step by step Parsek by parsek Atom by atom From everywhere The crawling chaos It crawls from nowhere It destroys without any questions Noble metals turn into clay From which the creator can sculp nothing In a second this clay becomes dust And soils all the mechanism of the universe The all-powerful nothing penetrates into every dimension And ties them together with time in a knot The future covers itself with the thick layer of dust The past prepares for its birth only Step by step Parsek by parsek Atom by atom From everywhere The crawling chaos It crawls from nowhere From which the creator can sculp nothing The sun Melts with a moan Planets Begin to turn round their moons Stars Swallow down their light Life Drops from the creator's forehead The prince of lie Becomes the king of truth And the creator Has no power over his creatures The world order Is crucified on his own corpse And the smiled chaos Triumphs over every molecule of the universe I am all-powerful I'm setting fire to water I'm giving birth to grey-haired infants I'm correcting the errors of the creator