The end of times Is the triumph of decadence Tired people Wait for help from the heaven With hope and entreaty They look up And the father of lights Sends his messiah to the earth Messiah must punish Unfaithful ones and favour pious ones Glory to some And disdain to other in his power But the lights of his father Blinded him Black light Rules the maimed celestial Messiah with a scythe in his hands Descended from the heaven by night Eternal night for the blind messiah Eternal night has fallen for the waiting people Everyone is equal to the blind one In the name of god scytheman mows The human herd down The scythe falls upon people In answer to their prayers Children and murders, Priests and violators Are dying together Now the earth is empty And doesn't resound with human voices Only the mountains of corpses And bloody rivers are here The mission is completed But something has remained Heaven waits For the blind messiah with his scythe The dead won't wonder at bloody rain