
One More Sucker


Feel underexposed just like a picture
Washed out. Faded. Brutalized.
By culture shock and thought design
I've gotta get one step closer
never to ask is never to understand
Through the temper of photography
you could overwhelm the heart of me

I go through this all the time
it's all yours and it's all mine
It's everything I see that makes me blind

So just do what I tell you
Just buy what I sell you
And believe that I love you
You're just one more stupid sucker

Slip, silent, sweet, and soft away
Indoctrination can be marvelous
relax and soak it in
In a song I sing along and right or wrong
the concept sticks I get my fix
and I become a part of the glorious
propaganda machine that hates me

Cinematography is clean
Just let me be hypnotized
I'll even pay you for your time
I just want to be numb for a little while
I just want to laugh and cry and smile
I don't care what it costs me