[Peace] Our house is in the middle of the street I'm a talkin' head, talkin' head Spittin' speech, Hungry like A Wolf, Where's the Beef? [Gift of Gab] Beef eater gin, in-toxicant, men-tal Alternate, end-ings, opposite trend Zen Copperfield, pen bend, topple and kill end men Send them, in wind, tremblin', off of them skills (skills, skills, skills...) [Peace] My copper top is poppin' tops (tops), the heat keeps blowin' +Energizer+ bunny, ain't it funny, how I stay so +ever ready+ But I never see the money (money, money, money...) [Gift of Gab] Money never makin' me I make it, come inside and take a seat It's vacant, Ego Sonic, inner space The sacred sequel on again Erase and cease the hatred season of the drums of war of sages past and speakin' through the ancients speakin' through the, speakin' through the ancients, speakin' (speakin', speakin', speakin'...) [Peace] As a kid, I was Harry Potter-like Not locked in a room but on the streets, they poked fun and took my bike Until I chose to write, spec-tacular, vernacular, spells, for the fight (fight, fight, fight...) [Gift of Gab] In the, middle of the class, I was writin' my secret agenda Getting' a bl-ast from ignitin' my deepest surrender A bit of chastisement I may have gotten from teachers when the classes were done, masses were stunned, I pass it on (I pass it on, I pass it on, I pass it on...) [Peace] I be flingin' stones at yo' dome and yo' +Jet-son+ and +Elroy's+ El Dorado drivin' while the sun sets some Back seat, fulla cotton candy, beer, and bubble gum (bubble gum, bubble gum. bubble gum...) [Gift of Gab] Summertime in the city Pity rappers fallin' to the Ego Sonic War Drums [*echoes*] [Chorus 2X] Ego Sonic War Drums, we so hard - RUN Beatin' on yo' door come, try and get SOME You'll get trampled, tryin' to sample, end up gettin' NONE Ego Sonic War Drums, we so hard - RUN [Gift of Gab] Heeey ya, raise the bar to another level of rhymin' again Maaa-jor daaays of, verbal assault tactics that get waaaay out, Blazin' the bow again to set new trend of flaa-va, Déj-à vu We blowin' 'em up wit' the way we slaaay-a, saaay ya praaa-yas Set in the head of the rappers we SLAAY-a YAAAY-A, HI-YA, HI-YA, HO! Come on in-SIDE and try the flow Creepin' up on yo' mind just like a SPID-A KIND-A slow, SHINE and FLOOOW Sparkle and rock until I can't SHINE NO MO', OHHH! Low and beHOOOLD, FOOOE Animal instinct comin' out of the SOOOUL Chief Coyote, Blackfoot, Savage NavaHOOOOS Scalpin' yo' top and rock out the spot, off the top knockin' and then I frolic about the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUGH [Bridge] Just because we out there, doesn't mean we don't care Respect our clout, yeah, Gift of Gab dope, yeah P-E-A-C-E, yeah, E-S-W-D, playa Arrows flyin' everywhere, Ego Sonic warfare [Peace] Peace pipe, puffin', arrow stick you in yo' stuffin' OH-WO-WO-WO-WO-WO-OW, think I'm bluffin' Jumpin' off my horse and runnin' up on you ain't nothin I don't have no rifle, I just throw my hatchet in yo' face Catch it, get an eye FULL Hear them drums? Battle sounds! See that land? Battle grounds! See the men? Battle rounds! Hear me now, man down! Bows UP, clear the section, roll out a winner In my Ego Sonic head dress in and for you dum-dum opponents, hope you learned yo' lesson (learned yo' lesson, learned yo' lesson, learned yo lesson'...) [Chorus] [Gift of Gab] Chief Apache drummer, tipi dweller, eagle feather bearer Chalice lighter, inner fire starter, worship Mother Nature [Peace] Mohawkin' egos clawin' beak seems to bear it all Seminole, Blackfoot, Mohican, and Choctaw [Gift of Gab] Choppin' ya, scalpin' ya, offin' ya, moppin' ya, falcons are flockin' around you, wreck shop while I'm poppin' at Pocahontas [Peace] Death it won't fall upon us, as long as I'm Geronimo-an Keepin' the heater flowin', you know they ain't into throwin' 'em [Gift of Gab] Burnin' the tip of the Arrow, the temperature's blarin' The endin' is near when we hit you wit' THIS, then you're perishin' (perishin', perishin', perishin'...) [Peace] Cherish everyday light, light Couldn't picture livin' life in the dark right, right, right? [Gift of Gab] Ear to the ground, I hear 'em comin' Do you really think they comin'? [Peace] Ego sonic, hear that thumpin' Do you really think they drummin'? [Gift of Gab] Do you really think they comin'? [Peace] I can see 'em! [Gift of Gab] HERE THEY COME! [Gift of Gab and Peace] If they catch us, they gon' kill us Wouldn't want to be us, RUN! (RUN, RUN, RUN...) [Chorus and ad-libs]