When the night is taking over in the recess of our loneliness I wish my words that I told her, would be enough for our world to last On a flight back home from London, I see the stars through a plaintive haze We spoke of death on a verdant graveyard, I close my eyes now I see your face Leaving on the shadowline On a late night separation, a final kiss by your hallway door Inner commotion, I can feel it swelling, departure in a mental war When you awake in that sweet position, I'm heading east on the shadowline I got a taste of my own endeavor, now I go back to where the sun resign Leaving on the shadowline Heart beats hard in a deadly rhythm, for the words that I gave away I was scared but I could see it coming, I should have known it was too soon to say When the night is taking over, I dream away to a distant shore Where the ocean doesn't flow between us Where I can hold you forever me Leaving on the shadowline