[part I: the sleepers beneath (the prophecy)] As clouds descend from evening skies And the day entwines with night The wind whispers a lullaby Once forgotten in time The song of this timeless wind Was once buried deep But now it has risen from beneath From where twilight's angels sleep The abominations of evenfall Lie awaiting the sign; A prophetic son, yet not born, In the womb awaiting his time The child he shall be born tonight, Unaware of his might divine For he may be a guide to light Or call the beasts beyond night It is said that if the child's alive There will be no night No disease shall steal a life And grief turns to delight It is said that if the child's alive, There will be no nightmares The horrors of the evenfall Shall burn away like flares But if the child is dead, Never there will be a dawn The twilight's angels shall arise By the stillborn one's call If twilight's angels will be released, It will be the end of all The pain, the plague, the death unleashed From heavens they fall [part II: the birth] A silent await for the child to born, The time is at hand A woman gives birth to son While mist veils the land An eerie whisper, almost like a ghost, Roars upon her bed She gave a birth to son.. Yet the child is dead. [part III: the abomination unveiled] Winds gather to unite deep within the woods The twilight's angels arise hungering for souls The mist is swept by the risen storm, And clouds above turn red; The spell is cast from the land forlorn Where abominations slept The twilight's angels depart Under the bleeding skies Dancing to eternities, praising the endless night The storm screams a serenade, As the twilight's angels dance All life is swept by the raging plague, And waters turn to sand [part IV: the dance of twilight's angels] And the angels of twilight danced...