The Ancient One, the darkest God Soon he shall awaken Watch Cthulhu rise, with trembling voice The whole world will be shaken Fiery eyes that pierce your soul Pure evil fueled by vengeance Huge dragon wings and tentacles Our world is doomed and ended For centuries drowned in smouldered ash It's time for horrors to reveal Immortal soul, I summon thee Your airless tomb can't hold you now Dark shadows spread like wildfire from the abyss Mountains collapse, then oceans boil Atrocious nightmares come to life Behold the sign written in blood: Beware the Deep! His putrid breath surrounds the earth No chance to run for cover Flames cease to die beneath the sea Where Cthulhu lies in anger For centuries drowned in smouldered ash It's time for horrors to reveal Immortal soul, I summon thee Your airless tomb can't hold you now Dark shadows spread like wildfire from the abyss Mountains collapse, then oceans boil Atrocious nightmares come to life Behold the sign written in blood: Beware the Deep!