[Nergal:] The controller of summer and heat To the world of underground hath he come on the command of the Gods In order to apologize to Ereshkigal, The queen of the dead and cold But at last he was seduced by the infernal beauty of her body And after Nergal left, Ereshkigal cried her eyes out She got frantic with his love and sent Namtar the herald To catch and bring him to Hell In order to be able to hug him again If he didn't come back, she would resurrect the dead And they would gnaw the alive The dead would outnumber the alive Nergal hath to knuckle under to desires of the "great anger" Through the stairway to Hell ascended he from the sky Beat the guards of 7 gates and reached to the throne saloon Catching Ereshkigal, he threw her down the throne By grabbing her hair and dragged her Ereshkigal, crying, begged for marrying She would leave him the kingdom of prime lands She would give him the wisdom tablets Nergal gave out and embracing his dark lover Accepted to share his throne with her.