Loki: the ancestor of Scandinavian pantheon The father of snake Midgard With the servants enlightened by wild flames… Shall be the causer of Ragnarok By not missing the opportunity to play tricks on his master Odin The poetic depiction of wheat fields waved by breeze Was Sif's hair; what Loki cut Learning this, Thor took Loki And swore him in having Black Sylphs make hair of gold For Sif, which grow like the natural Freya desired strongly to get the necklace Made by four dwarfs The dwarfs, making love with each one for a night, in return, Said that they could give it to her Loki, hearing this bargain, informed Odin, husband of the goddess Then he assigned Loki to steal the necklace. They witness an irony with the supernatural, Which reveal the meaning of human freedom. When the sun darkens, the soil is taken in by the sea, And the bright stars fall from the sky People shall fight till all the world is on fire. Upon this, the Gods shall be armed For a last war against the forces of evil After Ragnarok, shall a new soil appear Productive, green, fine, new that hath never been before And in the air shall a new sun start to rotate, brighter than ever. In the water exists the soul of died down fire!!!