Black leather bastard walks the jacky ride Drunk up to the score, toxic daemons aside Grey dull town, bitches around, Drugs for the entertainment ground Fucked up brain of the grinning dirt face Bithes around, grey dull town, Just wanting to shut up this grinding sound... Shinning black tonight, sathanas kicks your ass Hard to breath, heart is pulsing dark, May the white devil trippin' back his path White powder to sniffheads, sick, high Satan rocks the nose plug trainroads! Straw-ways to heaven... facing him again in the mirror... Here is he, heresy whippin' the junk a slave to be Rockin' to the death pulse Satan's poison Here is the great tormentor! Hard to see, nerves are pulsing black, May the corridor leads the fog back it's path Toxic mist necrosis the lug suffers Bang the brain, open the gates funeral fog... The dragonized worm... facing him again in the mirror... Here is he, heresy whippin' the junk a slave to be Rockin' to the death pulse Satan's poison Here is the great tormentor! Oh feelin' dizzy? Loaded on lsd... ecstasy ecstasy Sniff the vermin worm cocaine Od got your soul Sold out for rock'n' roll! Tormentor?