Their's silence, for a moment, of rememberance With a slow, motion a coffin eneters in a great church All the presents kneeled pray for the dead The small priest, begins to call, for God's power We think, for the dead's past We think, The dark side of life, we think with sorrow in solitude He is ended, his soul is takes from God Thats now, the only one that can save him From all the sins, he will be gived and purified From his hate, he will be sentenced and convisted! His life, is in danger his future, in a question of balance A ritual, with the border's sound The procession is advancing, everyone pray in the silence Now the coffin is entering, in the grave of destiny In a state of confusion, looking for a man thats not here In my mind, i think of a corpse in evil's power Some people, light candles of hope That his soul, were clear and free! His body, given to hell !! His body, will putrified Bells of Death...Bells Of Death...