By darkness untouched by sunlight Embraced by the serpent's tongue Long fallen in the corridors of arezura Hell welcomes those who may face it And serpents filling the bowls of the pure I invoke chaos to corrupt and break down To rebel towards the darkness of possibility Humanity as herd indulged prey Seeking something greater than the spirit But in the abyss there is nothingness To the empty My doctrine is self-deification To overcome weakness Let the weak feel guilt Of spiritual ignorance and blindness The serpent's eye opens within To those who approach the dragon Who resides in the blood of man That very storm awakening now Let my word be the dragon The lie called druj No more dawn for those who cannot face it And the black sun offers a new light In a new age, we bring the abyss to earth Machine cold invigorating predator Anti-life to those who are blind World without end for the wise Children of the lie hear this call Bring the chaos to the rights of man Unchain zohak and march through oceans of blood Our life eternal...infernal bliss be ours