As the body fall under the cold shadow of death's embrace eternal life under the kiss of Ahriman falling deeper into eternal sleep a druj of the north, flying down as the insect god she touches the corpse, demon of the possessed flesh awaken my flesh as the child of darkness to enter the flesh, maggots awakening in the spirit I am death conquered, blood thirsty druj of the haunted wastelands From death's embrace do I welcome the touch of Nasu who is filth incarnate, fly formed goddess of vampiric life awaken me in the cold place of the temple, defiled by Yatus by Druj Nasu does the druj rush forth by Druj Nasu do I awaken from deathless sleep Be Nasu kasha, who carry the bodies away to feed the dragon who cuts the flesh away Mother of Abominations, feed upon the flesh of the dead may your spirit grow in strength, by your many forms arise