Screw the Law (Bass Tab) The Process of Weeding Out G|-----------------------------------------| D|-------6-5-------6-5-------6-5-------6-5-| A|---6-7-------6-7-------6-7-------6-7-----| E|-5---------5---------5---------5---------| G|-----------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|---8-9-8-7---8-9-8-7---8-9-8-7---8-9-8-7-| E|-7---------7---------7---------7---------| Repeat Both Remember that the Bass keeps the same beat even as the guitar changes. (It sounds that way) For those who are looking for the guitar tab of this song I am almost finished it. I was going to tab both of these on the same day but I ran out of patience. The version truly is a bitch. Don't worry I'll finish it though so quit crying.(,;* AtTaCk AlTeRnAtIvE