Black Elegy


Black Elegy

Obscure - my road to perdition, I'm breathing fire
All crossings left behind, no way out
Deeper down into the vortex of chaos - sinister, savage
Evoked demons swallowing my sordid soul

Forlorn in a never-ending nightmare
My call for the end of all pain echoes through all hallways
And pierces marrow and bone

Walls are crumbling down and the flames flare high
Scorching my forsaken soul
My worid's collapsing, I'maken at my deeds
I plunge into depths

Dark - my path to perception, through a tortuous maze
All borders crossed, now roads lead to hell
And hell does welcome me - the prodigal son - son of fire
My own words engulf me in misery

Now step forth, inhale the scent of ash and harvest your reward
Pay the prize you're poised to pay for all your contempt,
So embrace the flames

Vengeful shadows lying in wait to let me go up in flames