I have faced my time With anger and scorn My words fading in its hollowness Leaving no print in human memory I choose oblivion Endless fall in a triumphant void Sinking in the abyss I abandon myself to the absurd And drift away in disillusion "There is no port, nowhere to go Only the deepening black darkening still Blacker upon the soundless, ungurgling flood Darkness at one with darkness, up and down And sideways utterly dark, (...) so there is no direction any more" D.H. Laurence, in The Ship of Death See the signs of decline Smell the decay of the masses Millions with one face Striding to a certain failure A multitude Feeding as beggars do Spreading grotesque lies of equality Until their rotten flesh Be one with the worms again Abhor - Drift - Fade For the Void Triumphant