Greenhorn dreams of salty seas, Of maidens fair and lovely, Who beckon and call, From emerald walls, Of cities far and strange. Greenhorn hears melodies, From mountaintops and low valleys, Of chimney smoke and Easter's hope, And love not lost in vain. I wanna wake up in the morning (Wake up in the morning) Wake and look into your eyes. Wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes. Before I see the world, Under darkening skies, Gonna wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes. Greenhorn feels the cold wind blow, And now he knows it's time to go. Now he longs for open roads, He longs to leave the pines. And leave he will with a tearful eye, But he won't stop to wave goodbye. He won't stop to look behind, On just what used to be. I wanna wake up in the morning, (Wake up in the morning) Wake and look into your eyes. Wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes. Before I see the world under darkening skies. Wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes. Days to years, Child to man, Lonely fears, She understands. I wanna wake up in the morning, (Wake up in the morning) Wake and look into your eyes. Wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes. Before I see the world under darkening skies. Wake up in the morning, Wake and look into your eyes.