Tom: G Written By: Chris Robinson and Rich Robinson From "The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion" Sessions 'Cause I didn't see any tab of this amazing song, I tried to do my best. And I really hope this tab could help you people. Any mistake, DON'T YOU LET ME NOTICE jajaja. The chorus got me a little bit crazy jaja. I don't know whether it's like the intro or not. Now, Enjoy It!!!!!!!!!! Intro: e[]----------------------------------------------------------------| B[]--------------------3-------------------3-5-3-5-3-5-3-----------| G[]---3--5-5---3--5-5-----5-5--3--5-5--3-5---------------5-3-5-----| x3 D[]----------------------------------------------------------------| A[]----------------------------------------------------------------| E[]----------------------------------------------------------------| Verse 1: C G A# G Sleeping eyes sleep awhile G C G And let me get to know your language C G A# G If I believe all I see G C G I would hate to be around for the dawn Verse 2: C G A# G Sleeping eyes stay awhile G C G And give me some cause to rejoice C G A# G A parody of the scene G C G Where my three wishes were granted to me Chorus: (I'm not really sure about this part. So, you know, any mistake don't you let me jaja. I play it like this, if you find out another way to play it, just do it) e[]-------------------------------| B[]-------------------------------| G[]------3------5------3----------| D[]--3-5-3--3-5-5--3-5-3-3-5-5----| A[]--3-5-1--3-5-3--3-5-1-3-5-5----| E[]--1-3----1-3----1-3---1-3-3----| or e[]-----------------------------------| B[]-----------------------------------| G[]----------3-5-5--------3-----------| D[]--3-5-5---3-5-5--3-5-5-3-3-5-5-----| A[]--3-5-5---1-3-3--3-5-5-1-3-5-5-----| E[]--1-3-3----------1-3-3---1-3-3-----| What you got buried? In your backyard What secret do you sleep with when the black moon come Verse 3: C G A# G Sleeping eyes please come clean G C G I'm not giving you the third degree C G A# G When you live with no man's time G C G Ain't it hard to find some peace of mind Verse 4: C G A# G Sleeping eyes don't you cry G C G And don't pretend this is not an ending C G A# G Your history yes it seems G C G Has been swept out with the leaves Chorus: Any of the two options Bridge e[]-----------------------------------| B[]-----------------------------------| G[]-----------------------------------| D[]--7-7-7-7---9-10-10-10--5-5-5-5----| x4 A[]--7-7-7-7---9-10-10-10--5-5-5-5----| E[]--5-5-5-5---7-8--8--8---3-3-3-3----| e[]------------------------------------------------| B[]------------------------------------------------| G[]-------------3-5-5-5-5--------------------------| D[]--3-5-5-5-5--3-5-5-5-5--3-5-5-5-5--3-5-5-5-5----| x4 A[]--3-5-5-5-5--1-3-3-3-3--3-5-5-5-5--3-5-5-5-5----| E[]--1-3-3-3-3-------------1-3-3-3-3--1-3-3-3-3----| Chorus: Any of the two options Outro: e[]--3-3--3-3--3-3--3-3---3-3-5-3--3-3--3----| B[]--6-6--5-5--6-6--5-5---3-3-7-5--3-5--3----| G[]--4-4--3-3--4-4--3-3---4-4-5-5--4-3--4----| D[]--3-3--5-5--3-3--5-5---3-3-7-5--3-5--3----| A[]--5-5--3-3--5-5--3-3---5-5-5-3--5-3--5----| E[]--3-3-------3-3--------3-3------3----3----| Goodbye People!!!! +*+*+*Th€_Sinn€r*+*+*+