When you're lost, then I am found. When you slip, I hold my ground. When I fall, please take your bow, And when you're up, just remember I've been down. I'm down. People looking for fortune and fame, They don't know that it's all the same. Just like any other game; You know there has got to be a loser If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, We can dry our eyes. I've been over the hill and back; Survived every kind of attack. Been a few times at bat, as a matter of fact. Good luck is just good luck. Can you go hungry if you pot luck? I've been down, but never on my knees. I've seen the forest for the trees. If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, We can dry our eyes. If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, We can dry, dry our eyes. If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, If it ever stops raining, We can dry our eyes.