Black Countess

Seduction And Defloration Of Eleanor

Black Countess

You are going through a long corridor 
Passing many closed chambers 
Leaving behind the laugh and joy of the hall 
Which are drowning in the silence of night 

Soon you find yourselves in a splendid bedroom 
With a couch covered with a canopy 
Bathing in beams of moonlight 

Dizzied by the charms Eleanor falls into trance 
The Countess undresses her and lays down on featherbed 
Reading spells Elizabeth delight 
Listening to Princess's breath full of unknown unlimited desire 

"Wonderful child 
I see myself in your look 
It's time for your beauty to create a monument of immortality" 

Soon you'll be transfered to the surrealistic place 
The esoteric space of revelations 
At the crossing of elements 

Where the endless desert of sand joins the ocean depth 
Where the wind fans the coals of your secret flame 
Eleanor - you feel uncommon calmness 
Resignedly following the Great Mistress and Preceptress 

Look around 
Beyond the horizon 
Infinity of sand is at the left and water at the right 
You are walking along the boundary of elements... 

...Until you reach the lonely standing shining throne 
The Countess calls you to sit there and become a Queen of Emptiness 

You sit immediately feeling sexual passion 
Your legs involuntarily spreads apart 
And something ice-cold comes into vagina 
You cry and the ocean becomes bloody-red... 

Scream banishes oblivion out of blear mind 
Eleanor awakes from the nightmare 
Finding herself again on the same couch 
She sees blood on the hands and thighs 

"You deflowered yourself and opened the secret door 
Come inside 
Taste my blood for impending pleasure 
Of power, lechery and tyranny" 

The Princess is in desirous anticipation 
Elizabeth bares the breast and cuts the skin with her sharp nail 
Eleanor presses her lips to the bleeding Countess 
They cum together