Black Countess

Last Chapter - Epilogue

Black Countess

The seed of cruelty is sown 
Elizabeth leads a changed Eleanor to the hall 
There is no more fear in Princess's eyes 
But only carnal satisfaction 
Recreated to seduce with her immortal young beauty 
She steps along the way of new feelings without any tiredness 

You come inside plunging into an atmosphere of vampiric nymphomania 
Bloody bodies of exhausted knights are spread around 
The smell of insatiable copulations and fresh blood excites Eleanor 
The mask of nonchalance on her face is changed for the languid mask of desire 

You are given with the bowls filled with red wine of opened veins 
Accepting the source of life the Countess points at all around her 
"Eleanor drink to the dregs and feel the whole power of Darkness 
My heiress sometime it'll all belongs to you" 

Your lips join together in lustful kiss again 
And the tongues lovingly play between sharp fangs 
Carnivorous Vamps in Red rapturously contemplate 
Your supreme act of oral pleasure... 

But the dawn comes near and it's the time to finish the dissolute feast 
Coffins in darksome chambers wait their lecherous ladies 
Elizabeth leads away the Princess and whores which are following them 
Here comes the hour of ugly inhabitants of Succubia's catacomb... 

Shapeless dwarves 
Malicious gnomes 
Corpse eaters 
Crawl from miasmatic vaults of the Castle 
To carry off the remains of bodies to their underground town... 

Tired wayfarers 
Welcome to the vicious Castle of Flesh 
It's door is always opened for you...