Preaching for a new fantastic realm Trust God: it's us he's out to sell Time's come for a new millennium Inaugurate it with all your hate (hate!) Chaos the infinite rivalry Summon the hordes you cannot be stopped! Sweet and tempting with a foul stench Advance through social contempt One thing is left to be asked What the fuck do you plan to achieve? Don't stir too long in your own juices Who knows when you will fry! (fry!) Blend your cause in with a bit religion When free thoughts are so easily strained Confronted with individual opinion Reach out like there's something to feel Wanting to come to this conclusion: gods plot is guided through me! Anti-social fundamental approval will set our souls free! (free!) I'm searching… I'm clutching… I'm breathing… Guess what I'm seeing? Fools! Fools on parade Slightly strayed over loss of soul Have you ever been tempted to free yourself of all cause? Confide in lies you moralize Credit for all the ideas you solemnly stole Wwon't shed a tear when you're overrun You played with lies and you'll pay with dear life!