International impact was maximum Took a hiatus he back again Be all you can be is all they asked of him Joe fraziered his way out the corner they backed him in No broke bones, minimum bruises, few scraps Still endured a lot shit you can’t Chest out walk tall Said fucked the world and walked off Left the game cold turkey. retreated to his fortress of solitude Concentrated on trying to be a more solid dude Six words to describe him, struggle over came it still breathing. So many people in his life passed and they still leaving Even when he awake he can still see em Never cocky, his modesty got arrogance fused In a battle before anybody even spits he done already buried the dude A few chicks in life thought they would probably marry the dude Came second place when comparing em to His hopes, his visions, his dreams The goal, the mission, the gleam In his eyes done dwindled He’s losing steam, can it be so simple Only those who know his music can hear it It’s undetected by the naked ear and He still spits effortless He can still make something hot without putting any effort to it And he’s left to his own devices Lonely nights Listening to his own advice It’s your life You gon’ give in or you gon’ fight Do what you do homie, it’s only right Get back to the music This the resurrection, the rebirth the recantation the ba'ath movement S.o.n.n, soul of art black music Real hip hop i don’t give yall that rap music Real music when you hear it Six more words to describe him, you can’t contain a free spirit