The birds in the tree tops take flight The sound of the thunder fills the air Beating hooves approach with great might It was if they didn’t even care The townsfolk start a running A place to go and hide away But the prince oh yes he’s coming And he’s gonna want a feast And he’s gonna want to kill today Who do you love Who do you love right now Beer tankards started dropping All crashing to the floor The sound of women screaming As they clamber for the door The men they grab their pitchforks Anything to make a blade But resistance they say is futile As the prince is going to kill today He’s gonna kill today Who do you love Who do you love right now The mysterious figure dismounts The black steed standing tall He turns to see whos around him And he spies her by the wall Her bosom starts a heaving Eyes bright but full of fear As she turns and runs for her life Says the prince: Don't worry I’ll catch you soon my dear Who do you love Who do you love right now Who that stands among us Will end me as I feed I pray that you can cease this curse Or I’ll continue with this need My plan is not to hurt you but But I'm driven by the Moon The feeling so intense my friends You’ll need to do this soon Who do you love Who do you love right now