From the ancient slavonic tradition I derive my power and inspiration. Walking through slavonic forests I commune with dark scarps Of memories of Sventevith's cult The fire of knowledge is burning in my eyes Sounds of the departed battle Are echoing all around I transfer myself to the ancient times that are Praised in forgotten legends To be there one more time... Clash of arms, groan of dying people (Fertilizating the ground with their blood) They all are the music enchanted amidst the trees Slavonic warriors drunk with need to kill Repelling the attack of invaders from the west Cold steel is being plunged in their bodies Letting out the blood imprisoned Piles of corpses lying all around Are the witnesses of polans' victory Their impaled heads shall be The foundation of Perun's temple Wolfs' howl is mourning over the dead slavs Tearing the bodies of the dying enemies All The enemies ahall be destroyed Whenever they appear! Let the fire dance like in the old times!