Black 47


Black 47

In new york city i made my home
I loved the streets, the very stones
Cared for my comrades, cherished my friends
Loved all beginnings, had no time for ends

A city's streets are full of woe
I saw suffering where'er i'd go
I did my best to console and heal
Treat each human with full dignity

I never saw a reason to
Hate someone who thinks different than you
Each one has their anointed place
In the love reflected in their god's face

We all have sorrow, our share of trials
We all are sinners in each other's eyes
Love alone can heal the pain
God bestows love in so many ways

I love the company of friends
The fire and the music sparkling in their eyes
But i achieved my heart's desire
When i rode beside the ones who fight the fires

I have my failings and i have tried
To look them squarely in the eye
To be there when someone might call
For i know cruel well how hard it is to fall

As i arise on this september morn
The sun is beaming down, the streets are warm
God's in his heaven and all is well

I will go forth and do his will.