
Rip It Off


You fucker!
your messing with me?

I see you walking through the door
I see you crawling on the wall
I see you looking so unaware
Have you lost yourself?

You look at me and try to wave
Before you take a look at your flaws
I’m gonna take you through a rogue of a life
You know it
You’ve got to love it;
You got to see it,
You got to feel it,
Live it,
Dream it,
Thrill it,
Bring it,
Dig it,
Take off this mask before I give you my wrath,
You gotta Rip it off… Rip it off… Rip it off,
Rip it off, and save your world from yourself

And now you try to take them all,
You try to make it through the wall,
I try to take you through your lies,
Have you tuck yourself?
Before you stay like you’ve been told
Take a look at your own flaws!
I’m gonna take you to through the rogue of a life,
You’ve got it
You’ve got to feel it;
You’ve got to breath it,
You’ve got to Live it,
Like it,
Suck it,
Free it,
See it,
Take it,
Fuck it,
Kill it,
Love it,
Lash it,
Take off that mask, if not take up my wrath,
You’ve got to rip it off
Rip it off
Rip it off
Rip it off I say you got to rip it

You know the thing is, you know me!
You think you’re going to put me down.
Take a good look at yourself before you do
we don’t give a FUCK!