Tom: G EG SER - Bjørn Eidsvåg Tabbed by: T.A. Email: * Tuning: Standard EADGBe ________________________________________________________________________________________ Even though this song is played entirely on the piano, it sounds good on the guitar too. I've done the tabbing simply by listening to the song, so there might be some errors. *Chords used: Em G Cmaj7 Bsus4 B Em7 A A/C# D#dim e 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 B 0 3 0 5 4 3 2 2 1 G 0 0 0 4 4 0 2 2 2 D 2 0 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 A 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 3 x E 0 3 x x x 0 x x x ________________________________________________________________________________________ *Intro (piano, transcribed for guitar): e|---7-7-5-8-7-7---|-------5-5---------|----7-7-5----| B|-5-------------8-|-5-7-7-----8-8-8-8-|w------------| G|-----------------|-------------------|a------------| D|-----------------|-------------------|i------------| A|-----------------|-------------------|t------------| E|-----------------|-------------------|-------------| *Verse 1 (00:11): Em G Eg ser at du er trøtt, Cmaj7 Bsus4 B Em Cmaj7 Bsus4 B men eg kan ikkje gå alle skritta for deg. Em Em7 A/C# Du må gå de sjøl, D D#dim Em A A/C# men eg ve gå de med deg. D D#dim Em Eg ve gå de med deg. *Piano (00:40): e|-7-7-5-8-7-7-5-5--------------|----------------7-5----| B|-----------------8-7-5-5-7-5~-|w---5-7~--5~-----------| G|------------------------------|a-----------8----------| D|------------------------------|i-------------9--------| A|------------------------------|t----------------------| E|------------------------------|-----------------------| *Verse 2 (00:54): Em G Eg ser du har det vondt, Cmaj7 Bsus4 B Em Cmaj7 Bsus4 B men eg kan ikkje grina alle tårene for deg. Em Em7 A/C# Du må grina de sjøl, D D#dim Em A A/C# men eg ve grina med deg. D D#dim Em Eg ve grina med deg. *Piano (01:21): e|-7-7-5-8-7-7-5-5--------------|-------------| B|-----------------8-8-7-7-8-5~-|w---5-7-8----| G|------------------------------|a------------| D|------------------------------|i------------| A|------------------------------|t------------| E|------------------------------|-------------| *Verse 3 (01:32): Em G Eg ser du vil gi opp, Cmaj7 Bsus4 B Em Cmaj7 Bsus4 B men eg kan ikkje leva livet for deg. Em Em7 A/C# Du må leva det sjøl, D D#dim Em A A/C# men eg ve leva med deg. D D#dim Em Eg ve leva med deg. *Piano (01:59): e|-12-12------15-15-----------14-12----------------------|----------------------------------| B|-------12---------12--------------------15-13-------13-|-------12-------------------------| G|-------------------------14-------12-11-------12-11----|-11-12------12-11-14-----11-12----| D|-------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------| *Verse 4 (02:13): Em G Eg ser at du er redd, Cmaj7 Bsus4 B Em Cmaj7 Bsus4 B men eg kan ikkje gå i døden for deg. Em Em7 A/C# Du må smaka han sjøl, D D#dim Em A A/C# men eg gjer død til liv for deg. D D#dim Em A A/C# Eg gjer død til liv for deg. D D#dim Em A A/C# Eg er død til liv for deg. D D#dim Em Em7 A A/C# D Eg har gjort død til liv for deg. *Outro (piano) (02:56): e|-------------5-------------------|------------5---------5---------------------| B|-8-7-7-5-5-------7-7-8-8-5-5-7-7-|---8-7-5-5--------7-------8~----------------| G|-----------6---------------------|---------------------------------fade-------| D|---------------------------------|-------------------------------------out----| A|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------|--------------------------------------------| | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================