Arise my frozen heart
Fill me with your warmth
I am in dire need

Please rule o'er me once again
I've felt so cold these last few years
My mind could ne'er've kept me
Pretense gave naught but fear

I need to believe I'm alive
and life should be so much more
I lost my faith in you
how come, I can't even recall

Please let me breathe again
Let me believe your sweet lies
of me not dying alone
of someplace to feel at home

I can't remember what it is to feel
My being beckons relief
This can not be the life to lead
Hand o'er my joy, you wicked thief

So come forth now and carry me
Through this existence
that much you owe me

Awaken, my cold heart, take this,
your last chance to revive me


So here is your final chance
to make me believe or understand
what I have been missing out on
Nevermore will rely on

those self contented happy fucks
who insist it's worth the sing
of a thousand unkept promises
Bring me the faith to which they cling

Lead and I will follow you
Lead and I will follow you

This time
I'll follow
your lead
I promise to be brave

Awaken, please,
my frozen heart,
this is my last call