Bitter End

Tiny Minds

Bitter End

Why do people seen so stupid?
So easy for others lead?
Does being alone make them for the unknown?
Are they only naive?

They follow their leaders - don't question their teachers
They've sleep - and they're easily ruled
With a little imagination - they're yours for the taking
Cash in - on the kindess of fools

The blind lead the blind
Wasting the time
Of tiny minds - Tiny Minds

Is it ignorance - or is it Malevolence?
Is this all that they have to do?
They've got their hands in your pocket
And their nose in your business
And they'll take what they can from you

They're making a killing - but you can't rape the willing
Some people just can't get enough
There's no lie too outrageous to run in their pages
They'll print anything for a buck

The blind lead the blind
Wasting the time
Of tiny minds - Tiny Minds

Late at night - when you're alone
Look out your windows and listen at your doors
You know they're out there - And what they'll do
That they'll do anything to get their dirt on you

With interests purient - and motives less than pure
No secrets safe - no confidence secure
With malice in their hearts - and tiny quitter minds
The ink starts flowing and the rumors start to fly
Let 'em fly!

The blind lead the blind
Wasting the time
Of tiny minds - Tiny Minds