Bisso Na Bisso

Popular Opinion

Bisso Na Bisso

Some people live their life 
Based on what they think is wrong or right 
No matter if their views are rejected 
Others make decisions 
Based on what they think is popular 
As long as what they say is accepted 

Another day to ponder the truth 
Another day to lie 
I wonder what I'm gonna do 
I've got the rest of my life 

Our little subculture is full of this bullshit 
With everybody shouting to be heard 
Isn't it ironic, everybody has an answer 
And there hasn't been anything learned 

Another day to ponder the truth 
Another day to lie 
I wonder what I'm gonna do 
I've got the rest of my life 

I won't be a part of it, I can think for myself 
I won't be a part of it, I can think for myself 
I won't be a part of it, I can think for myself 
I will stand apart from it, I can think for myself