Bisso Na Bisso

How I Became the Jerk

Bisso Na Bisso

Now here's a song for all of you 
Who hate the world the way I do 
And all the whiney old school farts 
And the sophomoric new school fools 
And the cliques that rise up in between 
The different sections of the scene 
Talking too loud and self too self absorbed 
To see their own idiocy 

But I'm full of it too... 
A bag of hot air just like you. 
Idealism burning the world down 
Like I'm better than all the suit and tie guys downtown 

Anybody can dress like an asshole 
Anybody can have an opinion 
Everybody can become what they hate 
so fuck everybody 

Sixth fucking grade 
The year that all the world's evil and trickle down 
pressured to "be somebody" manifested itself in my peer group 
Petty shit talking dress codes 
And early installments of class division 
And patriarchal value? 
I guess our parents were proud 

But hey look at us now! 
we've got the attitude down 
Silence everyone who doesn't think like me 
I'm a ship with no sails yea you might call me silly but... 

Anybody can dress like an asshole 
Anybody can have an opinion 
Everybody can become what they hate 
so fuck everybody.. except me of course 

Ah yes, the angry breakdown of the song 
All you before me must stand in awe of my 
Angry pasturising and angst ridden growls.. 
Genuflect my brothers and sisters and in-betweeners 
for I hold the microphone, and therefore 

I'm trying to sound convincing (listern to this guy yell) 
But I'm just not that angry (what's he tryin' to sell) 
My specialty, lip service (nobody listerns to you) 
Hide behind popular politics (no wonder you cleared the room) 

That's how I became the Jerk 
That's how I became the Jerk 
That's how I became the Jerk 
That's how I became the Jerk.