Birth of a Hell

My Moon

Birth of a Hell

My dreams
Alone, closed
Eyes closed
Smiling, crying
Waiting for you

And every night, every day
The agony in my dreams
All the rain that had fallen
I'll be with you
Waiting for you

-if i'll be your sun
You'll have to be my moon
If i go to their land
-you'll be my rain
And every drop that touches me
Your presence will feel my love

Probes the sea
Perfect, like the thrill
And only think of losing you
The latches to not see
My heart breaks

And every night, every day
The agony in my dreams
All the rain that had fallen
I'll be with you
Waiting for you

If i'll be your sun
You'll have to be my moon
If i go to their land
You'll be my rain
And every drop that touches me
Your presence will feel my love

If i'll be your sun
You'll have to be my moon
If i go to their land
You'll be my rain
And every drop that touches me
Your presence will feel my love