
Sleeping Pill


Every hour of the day 
Nothing takes my thoughts away from you 
Dozing of at work I see 
Images of you and me seep through 

Time knows there's a wound to heal 
Somehow I still need to feel the pain 
You're worth to feel the hurt 

Running through my veins you're a sleeping pill 
You go in and out 
Like a fleeting cloud 
Once you eased the pain 
Now you send me chills 
Making sure I cannot do without 

Play your music bak it brings all your love the 
lady sings the blues 
Play that record on and on 
Longing for that same old song to sing with you 
Again until the very end 

Running through my veins you're a sleeping pill 
You go in and out 
Like a fleeting cloud 
Once you eased the pain 
Now you send me chills 
Making sure I cannot do without