Rewriting the definitions Of what went wrong and what should have been Countless, useless, miserable and scared And a pair of bottles in our hands To dig our own graves But the flowers they won't bloom Over the boxes we'll live in Spring's gone Where is the cash? I've got a thirst to quench and nothing but a dime I've buried myself under unnamed regrets Don't nail the last planks I've got questions to ask I forgot a lot of details and don't know where to start The hammer stopped and it all turned black And when the shovel's gone it ain't never coming back Weary and reckless I've been counting the shadows Before the first rats and worms knock at the door We were all meant for more Blaming the bottle but not the throat Watch your step kid cause it's you against the world And the fire in your eyes it can also be your biggest curse I hate farewells I hate farewells I'm shaking hands in a world of snakes Good bye, forget the privilege is to follow Mine has always been to be the first step in the snow Good bye, forget the privilege is to follow Mine has always been to be the first step in the snow