Counting reasons not to get up Yeah, between sheets all this shit shall end If only the world gave me a fucking chance I would follow the line and my dreams and I would secure them all You know I know about failure And the harder I try, the deeper I sink The sunrise is a crucifixion The apostles still a painful weight Don’t get me started on sanctuaries It burns to pronounce their names I don’t have to know, it’s alright Whether the thought of a friend Or the taste of a smile could feel right I’m not leaving this place, I won’t fight I won’t fight And if I held the last straw I’d still be the only winner in here I don’t need your concern Thank you for all Counting reasons not to get up Yeah, between sheets all this shit shall end If only you gave me a fucking break I would bear you at least And I wouldn’t just lock up the doors Do you know how much I try? Do you know how much I try? It’s the run of the disrespected And I sprint here day after day If only you could know all the suffering I feel And all the pain I survived You were running as well And I told you to shut up