Solid gold record Come on Moola, moola, moola, moola Everything is good, and everybody's your friend Moola, moola, moola, moola, Everything is good and everybody is your very best friend You wake up and you look outside, You see a perfect day And rub your eyes and check your Style and give your head a shake Beautiful house and pool, Champagne in the fridge Oh my god, what went wrong? How did I get all this? Lights are always flashing And the music's always blasting You look into the mirror and You know you look fantastic And everybody's sleeping you Still rock out by yourself, And your brand new piano Is playing by itself Chorus Until the end Do do do do do do And you bought Led Zeppelin's aeroplane, It's a feather in your cap Say hello to your neighbours With 15 Marshall staffs And the blue drinks make you sick So you sit down for a second And then you start heaving On your solid gold records You bought yourself a banana boat And you head down to the coast You brought along your friends that You all love to shag the most You party like a rock star Cause you know you can And now you got no problems Cause you spend every cent Chorus 'Til the end Cause you're the man With the pool at the end of the of the block So lets rock Moola, moola, moola, moola Yea everything is good and everybody is your very best friend Moola, Moola, Moola, Moola ('Til the end) Everything thing is good and everybody is your friend (Moola, moola) Moola, moola, moola, moola, Everything is good and everybody is Your very best friend Moola, moola (Do do do do do do) Is your very best friend Body is your very best friend Moola, Moola Very best friend (Moola, moola) Do do do do do