Caroling, carolling, now we go Christmas bells are ringing Caroling, caroling through the snow Christmas bells are ringing And the bells rang and the children sang It was christmas everywhere They took some holly, took some mistletoe Found a wind free night, sprinkled it with snow Found some reindeer's and a reindeer sleigh And a shiny start to show the way They found some tinsel, bright and glittery Where the candy came on a tiny tree All the happy songs the children sing And some jingle bells that ring, ring, ring And the bells rang (And the bells rang) And the children sang (And the children sang) There was music in the air And the bells rang (And the bells rang) And the children sang (And the children sang) It was christmas everywhere (And the bells rang) They found some stories children love to hear (And the children sang) Filled with stockings, full of christmas cheer Found three wise men all travelling Found the wise wise men and a new born king (And the bells rang) And when they finished, trimming every tree each (And the children sang) The bells begin to ring, oh, so merrily (It was christmas everywhere) Tell the world we found a way To put together merry christmas day And the bells rang (And the bells rang) And the children sang (And the children sang) There was music in the air And the bells rang (And the bells rang) And the children sang (And the children sang) It was christmas everywhere