To reach for the ancient land in the ultimate of north Where pride and purity led to nobility Idealism as the highest order In accordance to natures eternal law of life All falsehood unable to conquer our minds Omnipresent was the god within ourselves Suddenly... materialism became part of our lives So the unity was disbanded Soon we forgot about our inner voice Man's instinct overcome by superiosity Violation of the immortal soul By deafening the voice of blood Mental enslavement of the mind So the highest principles faded into unconsciousness What once was pure and noble turned into mediocrity From the pillars of civilization to spiritual decay No blazing shine left in the eyes Seemingly awake, yet already asleep Will that slumber lead to everlasting death or is fate going to be changed before? If the divine spark in our soul Is to become a rising flame once again A new aristocracy, not of gold But of spirit will rise again! From the ashes of decay A new union will evolve The highest principle back in full-force And idealism will lead us again to nobility...