Tom: G Well (G) my cousin Joe had a five string banjo And me I had this ole (D) flat top gui(G)tar We stayed up all night just a pickin' and a grinnin' We liked our music (D) fast and (G) hot We played (C) smokin' grass any place they'd let us (G) Smokin' grass out be(D)hind the (G) barn (C) Smokin' grass is our worst habit Yeah (G) we got high on (D) smokin' (G) grass When (G) mama said, boys it's time to do your homework Said, mom you've got that exa(D)ctly (G) right We played all night just to get the sound perfected Old Lester and Earl would be pr(D)oud of us to(G)night We played (C) smokin' grass any place they'd let us (G) Smokin' grass out be(D)hind the (G) barn (C) Smokin' grass is our worst habit Yeah (G) we got high on (D) smokin' (G) grass One (G) day we got a call said boys you've made the bigtime They want you to play on that (D) Opry (G) stage We stood there and played and the crowd went crazy Our homegrown grass had be(D)come the (G) rage We played (C) smokin' grass down at the Grand Ole Opry (G) Smokin' grass up at (D) Carnegie (G) Hall (C) Smokin' grass was our worst habit Now the (G) whole world gets high on (D) smokin' (G) grass We played (C) smokin' grass any place they'd let us (G) Smokin' grass out be(D)hind the (G) barn (C) Smokin' grass is our worst habit Now the (G) whole world gets high on (D) smokin' (G) grass Yeah we (G) get high on (No Chord) smokin' (G) grass