The dogs of war Are howling at my door To drag me back to yesterday The lines of might Are forming to the right Apocalypse is on its way Flesh, flesh and blood If it's gonna end like this Bring back the flood Time, time goes by And still the lonely victims Wait to die Some lonely, unknown soldier Sees his skin begin to smoulder And lays his dying head On the crying cheek of God At heaven's gate A lonely child waits The fallen angel's had his way The dogs of war Are howling at my door Apocalypse is here to stay Flesh, flesh and blood If it's gonna end like this Bring back the flood Time, time goes by And still the lonely victims Wait to die Flesh, flesh and blood If it's gonna end like this Bring back the flood Time, time goes by And still those lonely victims Wait to die Some lonely, unknown soldier Sees his skin begin to smoulder And lays his dying head On the crying cheek of God Flesh, flesh and blood If it's gonna end like this Bring back, bring back Bring back the flood Time, time goes by And still the lonely victims Wait to die Flesh, flesh and blood If it's gonna end like this Bring back the flood Bring it back Bring it back Bring it back Flesh, flesh and blood Don't let it end like this Bring back the flood