Your wardrobe's purchased at the latest boutique Your place is furnished like the President's suite Your freezer's filled up with the finest of meat Somehow you manage on a hundred a week They say you like to feel white gold on your neck They say when you make love you like to direct And that new sports car you proceeded to wreck They say I ought to ask who picked up the check I can take care of myself My friends all say I ought to think twice I can take care of myself I don't need nobody's advice You're so nice Attempts to charm you met with little success I never met someone so hard to impress Until one day by chance you saw my address The next day you had on your lowest cut dress (Repeat Chorus) They could be correct in their judgment of you Maybe you'll take me and make me a fool But I'm a big boy and I know what to do It might be worth it to wake up next to you (Repeat Chorus) I can take care of myself I don't need nobody's advice Oh I can take care of myself I don't need nobody's advice Yeah I can take care of myself I don't need nobody's advice